Saturday, May 22, 2010

Operation IUI Complete!

Yesterday's IUI went off without a hitch. Everything went very smoothly and Dr. M said that everything looked great (yes, including the sperm count, so, way to go Bob!)

Beginning tomorrow I'll start the progesterone and continue for 12 days. Yeah, not crazy about the suppositories, especially the Pro.metrin, but I do have some samples of Cri.none 8%, as well. The worst part of the progesterone are the symptoms which mimic pregnancy symptoms, so it's hard to trust your body during the 2WW.

I was pretty crampy yesterday and into the evening, but it's not so bad this morning. I'm feeling good and optimistic. Praying that this is it and no more IVF talk.


  1. Praying that this is it for you too! Glad things went well.

  2. Sending you prayers and good thoughts during the 2WW. I am glad that after such a roller coaster of emotions this week you have found some much needed peace.

  3. I wish you guys all the best Katy, I added your site to my google reader and I am crossing my fingers for you!

  4. Just thinking about you. I know your testing this week too. Sending good thoughts.

  5. Been thinking about you all week long!
