Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Pay it Forward Fertility Foundation

While on the Carolina Conceptions website, I came across a link for a non-profit organization called Pay It Forward Fertility. The mission of the foundation (as taken directly from their site) is as follows:


The Pay It Forward Fertility Foundation was created to give hope to people who want to build a family.  Established in 2008, this non-profit organization helps people of various circumstances afford fertility treatments that are not covered by health insurance.

The mission of the Pay It Forward Fertility Foundation focuses on assisting three groups:

  1.   Couples in North Carolina who cannot afford fertility treatments such as in vitro fertilization (IVF), donor  egg IVF and embryo adoption.

  2.   Military personnel at North Carolina posts and bases who are being deployed and want to preserve their fertility by cryopreserving their semen, eggs or embryos.

  1.   Cancer in North Carolina patients who want to preserve their fertility before they begin treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation and/or surgery which could leave them sterile.

    So in a word, this foundation is AWESOME! What a blessing to be able to give back to couples who are struggling with infertility. My hope and prayer is that one day, Bob and I will be able to donate to this foundation to help others couples in North Carolina with IVF. 
    Please see their site for more information about eligibility and grant application deadlines. 

    If you know of any other similar foundations or grant programs in any state, please forward me their information so that I can list it here on my blog.


  1. It's awesome that you are helping to give hope to others struggling with infertility. Btw, I awarded you the Lemonade Award.

  2. What a great organization!! If I had a million dollars I would start a similiar foundation. IF can be such a financial burden! I am so blessed to have the ability to go through it (with insurance assistance), but there are so many couples who struggle.
