Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The real "Secret"

So a friend bought me the book The Secret for my birthday this year. I'd heard about it (ah, from Oprah, of course!) but really had no interest in reading it. But, since it was a gift, I decided to give it a skim. Well, actually, I went right to the back of the book. I thought that maybe I could get "the secret" without even reading the whole thing. Boy was I right! The whole universe is for me! Are you kidding me?! What a bunch of lies. This is exactly what's wrong with society today. Everyone is so self-centered and self-serving. Me, me, me! It's all about me! But that's such a lie. It's not all about you! As a born-again Christian, a follower of Christ, I can not live by the principles that the flowers, the sunrise, the ocean, the Universe is for me. It's not! It's all for GOD. Now let me add something and say that while I clearly don't agree with what this book is saying, I know that my friend had very good intentions with gifting me this book. Part of my reaction comes out of anger towards these authors and to Oprah for pushing such garbage to so many people. But I also know that we all have choices about what we read and what we believe. I just don't want people to be deceived. 

Does satan masquerade, or what?! Let me clue in anyone who thinks that The Secret is the real deal: it's not. Here's a not so secret tip: get in the word. You want to know the secrets of the universe, it's in the Bible. 


  1. Amen! When I saw that you were reading that book, I thought, "Oh no!" I so do not buy into that Oprah-create-your-own-happiness bunk!! Tell the truth, Sister!

  2. Ditto the Amen! I just went off on a little tanget about this the other day. It's sad that so many people can be blinded by the media and such.
