Saturday, April 18, 2009

Gimme an O-V-U-L-A-T-I-O-N! What's that spell?

So after using the Answer brand ovulation predictor kit for the last 12 days, last night I got the dark second line that indicates an LH surge in the next 24-48 hours (I know it's hard to see, but my line is the 1st one - very dark, indeed!). Praise God! And we know what that means. Poor Bob! But I wouldn't feel sorry for him. I'm sure he won't be complaining. 

I'm really glad that I tried this OPK because of the amount of strips that you receive in the kit. While they suggest using one of the 20 strips once a day for 20 days, you do have the option of using more than one a day with still plenty left over. It's also great because now I know that I'm actually ovulating a little later than the typical 14 days (or somewhere in the middle of a cycle); more like 17 or 18 days. Very good to know. I'll guess we'll find out how good at the end of the month. Please wish me a little bit of baby dust.

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