Sunday, March 28, 2010

Good-bye 32... hello 33!

This is my last day of being 32. Tomorrow is my 33rd birthday. Wow, 33! Could anything be more benign? If 33 were a food, it would be really bland mashed potatoes or a saltine cracker. Not much flava and a whole lotta nothing.

But on the other hand, 33 has the hopes of being a very good year. 33 could be a very memorable age. 33 will be my age when I have my first IVF cycle. 33 could be the year when I get that BFP. 33 could be the year when I am pregnant for the third time. 33 could be the year where I come face to face with the love of my life, delivering and bringing home a sweet baby and new brother or sister for Mason. 33 could change my life forever.

Is it too late to take back what I first said about 33? 33 could be one of the best years of my life. I bet you can guess my wish when I blow out my birthday candles tomorrow.