Tuesday, December 22, 2009

IUI cycle - CD7

I had another US this morning with Dr. Park at Carolina Conceptions to check my follicle growth. It looks like I have four very nice follicles on the left side, with two doing really well. I also have a few on the right side, but much smaller and won't effect my cycle.

I continue with my Bravelle injections for tonight and tomorrow night, adding in an additional injection of Ganirelix each night. While the Bravelle will continue to help grow nice, healthy follicles, the Ganirelix will prevent me from ovulating too soon. I have another US on 12/24. At that point, they'll be able to tell me more definitively when I'll need to take the injection of Ovidrel (to make me release the egg) and when the IUI will happen. At the rate I'm going, Dr. Park seems the think the IUI will happen either 12/26 or 12/27 - a few days earlier than I had anticipated.

Please continue to keep Bob and I in your prayers. Praying for a miracle in the New Year!

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