I have to admit that I've really learned a lot this month. No, not just how to get on a schedule of what medications to take on which day and how to keep track of my Basal Body Temperature (BBT). God has made very evident to me the act of surrender. What I've realized is that I have not been completely surrendering my fertility to God. I've been praying that he'll help me to become pregnant again, but I've kept it "me" focused, not God focused. "Me" focused looks at how it will impact me and make me happy; God focused keeps it about him. And the truth is that it doesn't matter how good a fertility drug is or how many other women it's helped. God is still the one who will determine when I will conceive again; God is in control.
So today I surrender my fertility completely to God. My hearts prayer is that I keep God-focused while I travel this road of TTC. I pray blessings for the child that I know God will bring to our family. I praise God now for what he's already doing and for what he's going to do.
Has Bob's fertility been examined? Maybe the stress of it all rests with him. The test is simple and inexpensive. Maybe he has a low count. Maybe there are changes in HIS body. Just a thought. You are in my prayers. It will happen, it is just the question of when that is so frustrating.