Saturday, October 3, 2009

Sicky Sex

What happens when you know you're about to ovulate but you're sick as a dog with a head cold? Yes, folks, that would mean Sicky Sex!

I'm quite aware of how unappealing I am right now to Bob. My nose is stuffy, my eyes are puffy and I smell like an 80 year-old woman from the vapo-rub. Think Monica from that episode of Friends and you get the full picture.

But if you're TTC and especially if you're taking any fertility meds like I am, you completely understand about having to suck it up and do the deed, even if it means laying there like a dead fish because you're too achy to move.

Sorry Bob! I promise that I'll make it up to you!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Katy, I completely sympathesize with you. It becomes like a chore almost. I hope it works out for you.
